Small Business Units
SBU Bydgoszcz

Small Business Units Bydgoszcz is a Class A warehouse and production building with accompanying infrastructure, maneuvering areas, and parking lots. The building is designed with sections that can serve commercial and service functions, as well as warehousing and production purposes. The warehouse modules start from 526 sqm, accompanied by office and social areas starting from 86 sqm. The facility also offers the possibility of mezzanine storage with a load capacity of 200 kg/sqm.

Location Bydgoszcz
Building area 11 700 sqm
Land area 1,9 ha
Status In progress
Location information
Nearest towns
130 km
160 km
250 km
280 km
300 km
Important road infrastructure in the area
National route DK80
3 km
National route DK25
3 km
Expressway S10
7 km
Train station
4,5 km
Highway A1
50 km
Technical standard
Nośność posadzki Floor load capacity 5 T/sqm
Obciążenie ogniowe Fire load do 4000 MJ/sqm
Siatka słupów Column grid 12 m x 6,2 m
Wysokość składowania Storage height 10 m
Minimalna liczba doków Number of docks 1 dock / 550 sqm
Google location
Project supervisor
Daria Rusishvili
Leasing Director
Phone: +48 609 101 085